Want to stay updated about what folks doing research related to Social Domain Theory are up to? On this page, you can learn about people's recent works in publications and other media, and our community listserv.
Recent Publications List
The Social Domain Theory International Colloquium maintains a list of recent publications and research works related to Social Domain Theory, social cognitive development, social justice, and other topics. The list is organized chronologically, with the newest works on the top.
If you would like to add a recent publication to the list, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/3Ss5f7cqAMuyaaug7
Click the button below to view the publications list:
Community Spotlight Series
We have launched an initiative aimed at keeping us connected with each other. Every few months, we will feature researchers from the community and shine a light on their latest projects, partnerships, and ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or yourself for this Spotlight Series, feel free to email social.domain.theory.group@gmail.com.
Click the button below to view all the past community spotlights:
In the Media and Beyond
People are talking about our work! From news and media, to commentaries and press, see some of the work by folks in the Social Domain Theory community that is being discussed. This community-contributed list is also organized chronologically, with the newest works on the top.
Members of the Social Domain Theory Listserv (see below) can add their works to the list by suggesting edits on this document.
Click the button below to view the list of works in the media:
Social Domain Theory Listserv
We also maintain a listserv for anyone interested in Social Domain Theory (SDT), social cognitive development, social justice, or other related research. This is a group platform for sending mass emails to the SDT community. For instance, we will post recent publications from scholars doing work related to SDT, information about upcoming meetings, job opportunities, research/methodological questions, etc. Feel free to contribute!
To join the listserv, visit the link below and click the "Join" button!
Click the button below to view the listserv: